Thursday, September 01, 2005

Indian Politics: The Boat Conundrum

Recently I got a forward that I had been getting recently quite some time back too (take your time with that line...). Here it is:


Soniya, Laaloo , Rabri , Jaya , Maya & Mamta were sailing in the same boat.

If the boat sinks who will survive? Guess?


Now that people are so interested in finding out how intelligent I am, and I cant mail each one of them, I'm putting it here for all TD&Hs (and the female versions of the same) to see.

My answers:

#1. Me

#2. All will - none of them have enough gravity :P they'll all float...

#3. Don't think about trivial issues. The main issue is getting them all onto a boat and then sinking it (and them, if you consider the gravity factor).

#4. There is a good chance though, that if we were able to put them all on one boat, they would form a coalition and drown us first, then fight amongst themselves and drown the boat (don't know about them - there still is the unanswered question about the 'gravity factor'.)

#5. Did you notice that 83.34 % of that list are females? (According to today's newspaper, India's parliamentary composition has 8.3% femails, sorry, females. This implies that "%trouble caused = 10 x %females" Then plunge into heated debate... forget about original question... true parliamentary isshtyle...)

#6. The most common answer - OUR INDIA

Not difficult to think of some more... good time pass :D please add yours in the comments!

NOTE: No offence to any of the "TD&Hs (and the female versions of the same)" who have found honourable mention in the madness above.