Thursday, September 01, 2005

Indian Politics: The Boat Conundrum

Recently I got a forward that I had been getting recently quite some time back too (take your time with that line...). Here it is:


Soniya, Laaloo , Rabri , Jaya , Maya & Mamta were sailing in the same boat.

If the boat sinks who will survive? Guess?


Now that people are so interested in finding out how intelligent I am, and I cant mail each one of them, I'm putting it here for all TD&Hs (and the female versions of the same) to see.

My answers:

#1. Me

#2. All will - none of them have enough gravity :P they'll all float...

#3. Don't think about trivial issues. The main issue is getting them all onto a boat and then sinking it (and them, if you consider the gravity factor).

#4. There is a good chance though, that if we were able to put them all on one boat, they would form a coalition and drown us first, then fight amongst themselves and drown the boat (don't know about them - there still is the unanswered question about the 'gravity factor'.)

#5. Did you notice that 83.34 % of that list are females? (According to today's newspaper, India's parliamentary composition has 8.3% femails, sorry, females. This implies that "%trouble caused = 10 x %females" Then plunge into heated debate... forget about original question... true parliamentary isshtyle...)

#6. The most common answer - OUR INDIA

Not difficult to think of some more... good time pass :D please add yours in the comments!

NOTE: No offence to any of the "TD&Hs (and the female versions of the same)" who have found honourable mention in the madness above.


Anand Surana said...

loogs lige u got doo pizzed wid da no. of forwards u r gedding and that doo da zame old ones coming back again and again...

Paddy said...

No da :) I usually enjoy forwards... enjoyed this one too. What struck me was that the answer coming everytime is the same...


Varun said...

Past experience shows, Laloo ALWAYS survives. And if he does, again from past experience, Rabri will do too. As for Jaya, she will definitely switch to another boat before this one sinks or maybe, that good ol' Archimedes Principle will come to her rescue. Mamta has enough fish in her belly to swim her through.

That leaves our Sonia jee, who can wait for that Gandhi-Boat to come and save her or go down saying 'No-Mo-Stay'!!